
Hey, I’m Amanda!

Are you as passionate about online business as me?

Amanda Olson - Owner and Designer behind Just Add Your Brand™ Kajabi Template Shop

Good design can help your business grow. I’ve watched (and made) it happen.

Today, I live and breathe design. I get giddy over simplification hacks, figuring out more streamlined ways of doing things, improving UX (user experience), creating systems and implementing formulas.

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Amanda Olson Features: The Everygirl, Addys, and more

Call me a nerd...

But nothing makes me more satisfied than happy clients who feel like their branding and website truly aligns with who they are and what they want to offer the world. That, and a website thats uber-optimized for sales and search results.

But it didn't always seem so clear.

Growing up, I loved to make and create.

I also seemed to have a natural-born business mindset. Maybe it was inherited from my Grandpa’s entrepreneurial spirit, but I’d sell cookies, lemonade, anything I could to anyone in my small Nebraska town – ok, fine, mostly to my sisters.

I swooned over art and design in high school but feared majoring in it in college; afraid I wouldn’t be able to make a living for myself. In light of the worry, I made a decision. If I really wanted to be a designer, I’d make it work. So, I switched my major to Visual Communication and Design, took design jobs and internships, and never turned back.

Amanda Olson - Designer, website developer, and SEO specialist behind Just Add Your Brand™ Template Shop
From working in both print and web...

From print shops, in-house creative teams, agencies, and freelancing, I’ve seen many sides of the design and branding spectrum.

My ever-growing, 14+ year career in design has shown me that I don’t want anyone to tell me which road to take…and…I’m sure you want to feel just as free.

Because innately, we're trailblazers.

Passion is largely what’s led me to trusting my gut and creating the Just Add Your Brand™ Template Shop.

Something tells me you’re just my type of small-start entrepreneur with big dreams and an eye for new ways of doing things. You’re keen on following your instincts and believe that great design can take a good brand to new heights.


Just Add Your Brand™ exists to help you launch faster, profit sooner, and live the life you dream about.