Get more sales from your website with these 4 tricks

1. Include a clear call to action.
A call to action is a button or link that tells people what to do next. We want to make it very clear for people what action they should take next. You should have at least one clear call to action 'above the fold' of your website, which means they can see it as soon as they land on your home page without scrolling.
Here are a few examples of call to actions:
- See our services
- Book your free consultation
- Download this free guide
2. Streamline your site menu.
"If you confuse, you'll lose."
Having a site navigation that's too big or too big can cause overwhelm. And if your site experience isn't simple, people may just leave.
I recommend a max of 6-7 navigation items.
You can always use dropdown menus if you need to, or include links that aren't quite as important in your footer.
Here's a common site menu structure:
- Home
- Products / Courses
- Services / Work With Us
- About
- Blog
- Contact
3. Use a clear home page headline.
"Be clear, not clever."
Show a friend or relative your home page and ask them if they know what you do and who you serve without having to scroll or click through your site.
If in doubt, keep it simple and use this structure for your home page headline.
What You Do + Who You're For
Example: DIY SEO Courses for Counselors, Therapists, and Private Practice Owners
4. Include a photo of you!
Include at least one photo of you on your home or about page. People like to know they're working with a real person. Photos of real people instill trust that you'll deliver what you say you will.
- Tags: Websites