How to choose the perfect sales page template

Female entrepreneur and course creator searching for the perfect Kajabi sales page template.

You're ready to create a sales page, launch, and finally get sales rolling in for your brand new course, membership, community, newsletter, or digital product, but which sales page template do you choose?

There are so many options available and they range from free to paid options.

As both a course creator and template creator with 14+ years of experience in websites and online marketing, I think I've got a unique perspective that will give you a good idea of what to look for.

Do you already like the look and feel of the sales page template?

The biggest benefit to using a template is to save you a ton of $$$ and time. 

If you already generally like the template, it's vibe, and how it's laid out, you're 90% of the way there. All you need to do is pop in your content, images, swap out headline, adjust any colors if necessary, and you're good to go.

If you're already good with the photos and colors, even better! Just replace the headlines, content, update the links to your checkout and you'll be able to launch even that much quicker.

I'm all about making the most progress as quickly as possible.

If you're comparing between 2 templates, I would recommend asking yourself:

"Which template will require the least amount of changes to get it to where I want it to be?"

If there's a specific piece of a sales page template you love but another is closer to the ideal end result, see if you can apply that one detail to the template that's most of the way there.

If you're not sure if it can be done, be sure to reach out to the template creator and ask them.

Is the sales page template optimized for sales?

This one is HUGE. The #1 objective of a sales page is to SELL, so you'll definitely want to dig in and make sure it's ready to do just that. 

Rest assured, all templates in our shop are optimized for sales. 

But what does it even mean to be 'sales-optimized' and how do you know what to look for?

To be sales-ready, a sales page template needs to help your potential buyer examine your offer from all angles. I call these Sales Facets™.

A sales-optimized sales page should successfully do the following:

  • Identify with your audience's pain points and desires
  • Clearly communicate what the promise is going to help them achieve
  • Demonstrate how you're going to help them get from where they are now to where they want to be
  • Show them why they should choose to take this journey with you
  • Make them feel comfortable with a guarantee
  • Establish 'know-like-trust' with social proof, info about you, and results from past students or members
  • Anticipate and answer any and all questions they might have
  • Clarify who the program is or isn't right for
  • Clearly tell them what the next steps look like
  • Offer plenty of calls to action to join

What I love about sales page templates that are already optimized for sales is that you can just follow the structure, fill in the details of your course or offer, hit publish and feel confident that it's ready to convert.

My customer Hilarry did just that and ended up launching an offer in 48 hours and making $30k from it:

"Your templates are incredible! I grabbed one of the holiday templates and was able to throw an offer together for a mini-holiday sales course in 48 hours that made $30k! I usually spend days fleshing out sales copy and then have to try to tweak it to fit a template. Your template was so awesome that I skipped pre-writing the sales copy and just went off the template. It was so much faster and did the job. I can't thank you enough!" - Hillary R.

Shop our sales-optimized Kajabi sales page templates and be that much closer to launching your offer and making sales.

Does the template creator offer top-notch support?

Most templates are plug and play, but questions are bound to come up here and there.

The easiest way to see if a creator offers good support is to read their reviews. A good template provider will be more than interested in helping you have a good experience after you've purchased one of their sales page templates.

Should you choose a free or paid sales page template?

I personally have never seen a free sales page template that checks all the boxes above of what a conversion-optimized sales page template should be able to do for you.

That being said, it's possible they're out there and I just haven't come across them.

Ultimately decide what works best for your business and bank account right now. If you do choose a free sales page template, you can use the list above and customize the template to make sure it checks all the boxes for being sales-optimized.

Shop our conversion-optimized Kajabi sales page templates here →

If you have any pre- or post-sales questions about our templates, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Amanda Olson - Owner and lead creative behind Just Add Your Brand™ Template Shop
About the Author

Amanda Olson is an award-winning designer and web developer with over 20,000 hours of experience in websites, design, and online marketing.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I use and love. ♥